"Nought may endure but Mutability." -Percy Bysshe Shelley

"Nought may endure but Mutability." -Percy Bysshe Shelley

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Hi again.  It has been some time since I last posted here.  Really it is mainly because I have forgotten to keep up with this blog, which was really motivated in the first place by last summer's REVOLUTION OF CHANGE.  The revolution, at least in terms of physical health, fizzled once I went back to work in September 2011.

However, the revolution has returned.  I've learned much since the dawn of 2012, mainly that change sometimes takes a pause, and that is okay.  I all but ceased with my running program after the 5K in September 2011.  This was due to failure on my part to prioritize exercise and my health during the school year.  In days of old I would have said "I don't have time to exercise" and that would have been my excuse.  Now I realize it was my own act of the will not to carve out time.  Although I can legitimately be very busy, there is always time SOMEWHERE.

Joined Planet Fitness in January of this year.  Went about 4 or 5 times and then took a hiatus of several months where I chose to pay the really affordable $10 rate to them for absolutely no services rendered.  Again, my own fault.

This has thrown into sharp relief the damage I have done to my stamina, physique and running mojo in general now that I have restarted the Couch to 5K Program.  If only I had made better choices about staying in shape, I would not have gained weight over the winter and compromised a lot of the progress I'd made.  However, now that I am on week 4, I have recommitted myself to change and plan to run the 5K again for ovarian cancer research through the N.O.C.C. again, aiming for 30 minutes or less on the clock (33:54 last year).

Of course, because it is Change 2.0, I need to up the ante.  In addition to running the same 5K this year, I am going to try to do the  Bridge Run, which is a 10K.  That's DOUBLE what I have ever been able to do before.  My strategy is simple.  Register for both runs mentioned above because the motivation of not wanting to look like a big fat liar and fraud is the fuel that will spur me on.  The other part of the strategy is to write running days on the calendar in black Sharpie, which makes the task non-negotiable in some cosmic way.  Then there is the putting on of sneakers and actually running.

The looming prospect of my 39th birthday is pressing on me also, propelling me towards positive change.  Do I really want to say out loud that I have been trying to reach a fit goal weight for 20 years when I turn 40?  Heck no.  I am not really age-phobic, but realize that it is no good to spin your wheels in the same mud for decades as I have.

Excited to see how it all turns out.  I am deciding that no matter what, I will follow through.  :-)

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